The Open Awareness Buddhist Center is a place of refuge and sanctuary for all beings. The Sangha of Open Awareness is a fellowship of practitioners who are committed to ethics, honesty, respect for all, and to providing a welcoming atmosphere with the pure intention of benefiting sentient beings through Dharma activities. These include the gathering of merit and wisdom, sharing the teachings of the Buddhadharma, and meditating – all as taught in the Tibetan traditions.
Foundations of Buddhism and Meditation: Spanish Translation
All Thursday nights staring on May 19th 2022
From 7pm to 8pm (ET / GMT-5)

Meditation and teachings in English with Spanish translation.
Go to the following webpage to see updates on schedule and link to video conference.
Sunday Morning 10:00-11:00 AM
*Sunday, November 20th service has been canceled*
Medicine Buddha and Green Tara Chanting Followed by Teachings by Lama Karma Chötso

Join Lama Karma Chotso online via Zoom Meeting as she leads the chanting of the Short Green Tara and Medicine Buddha practices. These protective and healing Vajrayana practices provide a supportive experience for better coping with the current health crisis or any of life’s challenges.
Following the service, Lama Karma Chötso will teach focusing on specific texts or topics ranging from the basic Four Thoughts that Turn the Mind to the Dharma, to engendering compassion, to the Middle Way. Sessions will include Q&A and will be approximately one hour.
Green Tara Text: 21 Praises of Tara
Medicine Buddha Text: Medicine Buddha
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 863 2964 5879
Passcode: 761847
Suggested Donation: $20
* No one will be turned away for lack of funds.
Grand Stupa of Reconciliation
Lamas, Peru

In the region of San Martin, in the Peruvian jungle, near the city of Lamas and the town of Rumizapa, is the Great Stupa of Reconciliation Rime Jangchub Chöten.
Its construction began in 2014 thanks to the effort and collaboration of Buddhist practitioners of various traditions and supporters. It is 15 meters high and contains one hundred thousand Tzatzas, with carefully prepared mantras during days of meditation and contemplation.
The intention of this project is to contribute to the happiness and peace of the region by sharing skillful means, mental training techniques and practical and contemplative knowledge with deep respect for local traditions.
To learn more about this transformational project, click here: Great Stupa of Reconciliation
Open Awareness Buddhist Center encourages the support of this wonderful project being completed by our sister sangha in Peru, Rime Jangchub Chöten. Please click the Donate button below to make an offering in support of this important activity:
The Venerable Lama Karma Chotso
Lama Karma Chötso began to study and practice the Kagyu Lineage of Tibetan Buddhism in March, 1982 after meeting Dorje Chang Kalu Rinpoche in New York City when he gave the Kalachakra empowerment. She took refuge with him there and 4 years later he ordained her as a novice nun. Lama Karma Chötso entered the three-year, three-month retreat, a meditation retreat held in strict seclusion, in 1986 and completed the retreat in 1990.
Lama Karma Chötso has practiced the Buddhadharma for 35 years. She studied Madhyamaka under the guidance of Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche for many years and her teachings reflect this. She also teaches extensively on instructions in Vajrayana practices, Tibetan language, and she is trained in thangka painting.
Our Sangha is very active in the South Florida community. Dharma practice at the Residence flourishes as members participate in a variety of programs and activities. The Sangha members provide powerful support to one another on the spiritual path.
Membership dues also provide financial support to Open Awareness Buddhist Center’s ongoing projects and members enjoy discounts to multiple events.
To All Seeking Refuge
Open Awareness Buddhist Center invites every person seeking refuge in the Buddha’s teachings of wisdom and compassion to practice with our Sangha.
You are welcome regardless of racial or ethnic background.
You are welcome regardless of your faith.
You are welcome regardless of your age, education, or preferred language.
You are welcome regardless of your gender or sexual orientation.
You are welcome regardless of your political affiliations.
You are welcome regardless of your abilities or disabilities.
Individually and as a sangha, we vow to respond to ignorance, hatred, and oppression with skillful means and loving kindness in order to end the suffering of all sentient beings.
The garden of the Open Awareness Buddhist Center, called “The Stupa Garden of Merit”, opens onto the Miami Little River that flows with the tides. The garden, with four (4) large stupas, paths for circumambulation, and surrounded by beautiful trees and flowers, is a place of tranquility, peace and beauty available to everyone.
Open Awareness continues a 20-year tradition of chanting practices and meditations along with the weekly offering of traditional Tibetan butterlamps. Please see our calendar to choose the events you’d like to attend. You will always be welcome.
PDF – Open Awareness Buddhist Center Ethical Guidelines
Become a Sangha Member
Please complete the Membership Form
Lama’s Wisdom to cope with Coronavirus (Covid-19) Anxiety, Fear, Anger
A Buddhist approach to cope with the Coronavirus (Covid-19) anxiety, fear or anger. Welcome to Katia’s BUZZ DHARMA TALKS with Lama Karma Chotso. She provides simple ways to cope with the Coronavirus Pandemic anxiety and fear through faith, meditation, becoming part of the solution instead of being part of the problem, creating a sacred place …
Continue reading “Lama’s Wisdom to cope with Coronavirus (Covid-19) Anxiety, Fear, Anger”
Lama Karma Chotso Wishes H.H. the Dalai Lama a Happy 85th Birthday
Lama Karma Chotso wishes His Holiness The Dalai Lama a happy Birthday and best wishes as he turned 85 on July 6, 2020. Lama explains what the Tibetan Buddhist leader, The Dalai Lama, represents to Buddhists around the world and the reach of his wisdom and compassion. Key words during the conversation were compassion, wisdom, …
Continue reading “Lama Karma Chotso Wishes H.H. the Dalai Lama a Happy 85th Birthday”
Spirit Miami 2019
Images from Spirit Miami 2019