Our Sangha is very active in the South Florida community. Dharma practice at the Residence flourishes as members participate in a variety of programs and activities. The Sangha members provide powerful support to one another on the spiritual path.
Membership dues also provide financial support to Open Awareness Buddhist Center’s ongoing projects and members enjoy discounts to multiple events.
To All Seeking Refuge
Open Awareness Buddhist Center invites every person seeking refuge in the Buddha’s teachings of wisdom and compassion to practice with our Sangha.
You are welcome regardless of racial or ethnic background.
You are welcome regardless of your faith.
You are welcome regardless of your age, education, or preferred language.
You are welcome regardless of your gender or sexual orientation.
You are welcome regardless of your political affiliations.
You are welcome regardless of your abilities or disabilities.
Individually and as a sangha, we vow to respond to ignorance, hatred, and oppression with skillful means and loving kindness in order to end the suffering of all sentient beings.

The garden of the Open Awareness Buddhist Center, called “The Stupa Garden of Merit”, opens onto the Miami Little River that flows with the tides. The garden, with four (4) large stupas, paths for circumambulation, and surrounded by beautiful trees and flowers, is a place of tranquility, peace and beauty available to everyone.
Open Awareness continues a 20-year tradition of chanting practices and meditations along with the weekly offering of traditional Tibetan butterlamps. Please see our calendar to choose the events you’d like to attend. You will always be welcome.
PDF – Open Awareness Buddhist Center Ethical Guidelines